Guide to Commercial Wastewater Disposal

This resource has been developed by Pinellas County Solid Waste to provide businesses with guidance on how to properly manage wastes in accordance with federal, state and local laws.

Why Businesses Should Think Before Draining ‘It’

Where Does Your Drain Lead?

  • To surface waters? You should only put rain down the drain.
  • To a septic system? This system is only for domestic sewage.
  • To a sewer? You must have written permission of the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), or wastewater treatment plant to discharge any waste that could be considered hazardous waste into a city/county sewer.

Can Businesses Have Wastewater Permits?

Large manufacturers may have wastewater permits. However, the vast majority of businesses fall well below the permitting levels. This means a business can NOT dispose even small quantities of hazardous chemicals down the drain.

Concerning Discharge Materials

  • Acids and Bases (pH)
  • High Temperature Discharges
  • Aqueous Metals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Sludges, Grease and Solids

Additional Information

Each POTW has its own specific regulations. When in doubt, you should contact your POTW to discuss your specific needs. You can also contact the Pinellas County Small Quantity Generator Program at (727) 464-7500 or for more information or to request a printed copy of this guide.

Additional Resources