Unincorporated Areas

Unincorporated Area (MSTU) Information

Pinellas County features both incorporated municipalities and unincorporated areas. Approximately 280,000 people — representing 36% of the County — reside outside of the county’s 24 cities and within unincorporated Pinellas County. The unincorporated areas include communities from the Pasco County line to Tierra Verde.

See if your property is located within Unincorporated Pinellas County.

The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners serves as the local government for residents in the unincorporated areas. A portion of the County budget, called the Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU), is paid by residents of the unincorporated area to provide municipal services, such as law enforcement and building permitting, to the unincorporated area.

Learn more about the Unincorporated Area/MSTU F22 Budget.

Call the Pinellas County Information Line at (727) 464-3000 for assistance regarding unincorporated area programs and services.

Maps of the Unincorporated Areas